20 Mar 2021, 9:30am–1:30pm NZDT
Johnsonville Community Centre, 3 Frankmoore Avenue, Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand Map
Little Shadow (www.littleshadow.org.nz) presents a one-day parenting and wellbeing workshop, kindly subsidised by our wonderful friends at the CAANZ Wellington Women Accountants Special Interest Group, Emily Writes and the Olivia Faulkner Birthday Fundraiser, in memory of Kristin.
We provide a light catered morning tea for the adults generously sponsored by Mojo Coffee and New World Newlands!
Kids and babies - BYO kai, please! We have childcare available on-site from 11:00am-1:30pm and children are welcome to join us in the session from 9:30am - 11:00am.
Childcare kindly sponsored by www.motherlyhug.com and www.blissfulbubs.co.nz
Here's what we will be engaging with on the day:
Little Play - Strategies for Fostering Secure Attachments & Free Fun at Home, with Rose Swindells.
Rose is an Antenatal Facilitator for the amazing crew at Birth Wise, as well as facilitating for the renowned Incredible Years Programme. Rose has three children of her own and is known for her grounded sense of humour and gentle way of delivering golden moments of parenting insight. Knowing what to do at home with small people can be really tricky, and Rose is here to help! During this session, we explore some free, sustainable and recyclable toy and play ideas for at home to keep up our sleeve for the next rainy day or day where staying in PJs is essential and small ones still need entertaining. In addition, we explore one part of parenting that can be tricky sometimes: knowing how to stay connected and attuned to small people who are learning about emotions and testing all kinds of boundaries. Rose will share some parenting strategies for fostering strong, secure, healthy attachments to help support us and our little ones at home too.
Little Talk - Tender Tales of Strength, Exhaustion and... Vomit in the beanbag filler, with Emily Writes.
The indomitable Emily Writes joins us to share some of her parenting experience, wisdom, and hilarious insight. Emily is a well-known author and blogger who tells it like it is in the spirit of true parenting in all its glory - including the tricky bits, where it seems like there is no end in sight. We love the way that Emily brings ALL the parts of parenting to the table, including vulnerability and courage, and holds space for all kinds of communities - including ours. How lucky are we! Grab a cuppa and settle in for some ace insights and gems from Emily.
Little Q+A - Expectations vs Reality
Stories of strength and resilience from parents who have been through some tough stuff - what happens when things don't turn out as we had planned?
Join us in an open floor Q&A with Little Shadow relationships counsellor Rachel Brown, Teresa Hill, Maria Milmine and Lactation Consultant & PADA Educator Liora Noy. It's always nourishing to access stories and perspectives alongside others about the enormous journey we are on in this space of welcoming little ones and becoming parents. We will be sharing more about each panellist on social so stay tuned!
You are welcome to submit a question for the panel on here, Facebook messenger or Instagram direct message.
We can't wait to have you join us for a day of connection, fun and little learnings!